Not everyone breathing is alive

Sunday, June 25, 2006


I see sadness is a place you create for yourself by yourself.

Imaginary planet you want to go there when you feel weak and have no solution.

Feels there is safer, as you do not need to face, how i will face, i am sad !!!

but I will try not to do , I will face from now on.

No more moments i will have in my life, i won't just throw them in sadness, life is soo short.
And for myself, I have beileved from long very long period it is so short for me.

I will get my happiness even from worest problems.

If you tried hard to make a sadness place to live in alone
why do not try to make same planet but for happiness and for all people arround you???

If you do not want to be happy,
nobody will make you happy.

If you see a black image with your eyes, nothing will appear behind it.

A black image is enough to hide any beauty behind.


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