Not everyone breathing is alive

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

True Love

Not all what you wish will make you happy.
Not all you wish will happen.
Not all you wish will happen in the preoper time.

You will spent you life searching for the true love.
You will giveup.
But suddenly you may find it.
Sometimes you will find it too late.

True love may make you suffer.
But it never ever ends once you found it, and this is the source of suffer.


  • You know what, we suffer an amount equal to the amount of our if you're very sensitive you'll suffer alot..if u're emotionally will not suffer at all :D
    True love is a real treasure, it's very hard and rare to find..if you're lucky enough to find it..still isn't enough..the main thing is to keep it.

    By Blogger Rain, at 4:41 PM  

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